DBS Hero

DBS Unveils New Guide to Boost Understanding of Basic Checks

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) has published a new guide to increase awareness of the importance of conducting basic checks.

December 14, 2023

HR Connect have made this guide available to download on our website and our expert team offer a summary of the key points.

What is a basic DBS check?

A basic DBS check provides information about an individual's criminal history, which can help support robust recruitment decisions and improved safety.

According to the DBS, “Anyone can apply or be requested to apply for a Basic DBS check. Conducting a Basic DBS check on an individual before hiring them can help to reduce the risk of harm to vulnerable people and protect an organisation's reputation.”

Key points

• Basic DBS checks can contribute to determining an individual’s reliability, particularly when they are handling sensitive information.

• There are no legislative or eligibility requirements to have a Basic DBS check, so anyone aged 16 or over can apply at any time and you can request this as part of your recruitment process.

• Basic DBS checks focus on unspent convictions and cautions. This can include both minor and serious offences, such as theft,fraud, or assault.

• Employers can use this information to assess an individual's suitability for the role they are applying for, reducing the risk of hiring someone who has a history of criminal behaviour that may pose a risk to their organisation.

Download the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) “Guide to Basic DBS Checks” PDF here >>

If you would like to know more about EmploymentCheck and our range of DBS, Right To Work, Digital ID and Reference Checks, please contact info@hrconnect.org.uk or call 0330 124 9996.