Support Line

Support Line / Employee Assistance Programme

Life can be stressful. We understand that asking for help when you are struggling can be hard. Support Line can help.

SL with Shout Article

Prioritising your health and wellbeing, 24 hours a day

When you are struggling, asking for help is never easy. What works for one person, may differ from the next person. At Support Line, we celebrate these differences.  

Support Line offers a whole school/organisation approach to supporting health and wellbeing. Through our partnership with Shout we provide a confidential, text messaging support service to your staff (and pupils in a school) 24 hours a day, every day of the year. You don’t have to wait for things to build up and importantly support remains in place outside of working hours when many support services are closed. Alongside our text support, any member of staff who may benefit from further professional support can also access their own structured counselling sessions.  

Support Line can offer the help you need, when you need it, whether you have home, family or work problems.

24 7 support

24/7 Text Support

If you notice a change in yourself, a colleague or a pupil, use the Support Line service to benefit from a confidential safe space to start a conversation about how you are feeling and identify a plan of support going forwards. Sitting alongside our Support Line Structured Counselling Service, SHOUT provides a free, confidential 24/7 text messaging support service. It can be accessed by any member of staff or pupil in your school who is struggling to cope. SHOUT’s trained volunteers are available around the clock to support anyone who is suicidal, depressed, anxious or overwhelmed. The service is anonymous and does not show up on phone bills.



For many people, talking through issues with a trained counsellor can significantly help relieve some of the pressure and help them find a way forward. Counsellors are not there to tell you where you went wrong or even to offer advice, but they will help you to work through your own problems,in your own way. Many staff who have used Support Line in the past have found that the help and encouragement they receive not only improves their situation but increases self confidence and self-esteem, having a positive impact on their lives as a whole.


What types of problems can Support Line help me with?

• Stress related issues
• Difficulties in personal, work or family relationships
• Problems arising from redundancy or reorganisation at work
• Loss or bereavement
• Depression or anxiety
• Team or group problems
• Drink or drug issues.

Who can access Support Line counselling?

Counselling sessions are available to all members of staff. Counsellors will work with staff for up to a maximum of seven sessions. Members of staff also have the option to gift their full set of sessions to either a spouse or child (16 years old or over) who resides at the same address.

Is the service really confidential?

The short answer is ‘Yes, the service is really confidential’. Our counsellors abide by the British Association for Counselling Code of Ethics and Practice, which specifies a rigorous code on confidentiality. Support Line operates a self-referral system. It is therefore up to you, whether you share if you are receiving counselling or not.

Do I have to tell my manager?

No - you do not have to tell your manager anything. However, if you feel that your situation is impacting heavily on your work, you may decide to inform your manager. You may also need to inform your manager if you require time out of your working day to attend a meeting with your counsellor, although you do not need to give specific details. Some counsellors are able to offer appointments at the end of the working day, if preferred.

How will I receive support?

We are able to provide telephone, virtual or face to face sessions.

Who can access the 24/7 Text Support?

Everyone in your organisation. This includes all your staff and if you are a school, this also includes all your pupils. All an individual needs to start an anonymous conversation is access to a mobile on a UK mobile network and our unique keyword. 

Why would someone choose to text SHOUT instead of structured counselling?

There are many reasons why people may get in touch with Shout. Not everyone requires structured counselling, or for some they need that immediate support. Some people may prefer the anonymity of a text and the flexibility to reach out for support at any time of the day. The Shout service provides immediate support for all types of mental health challenges, taking people who are struggling to cope to a place of calm every day of the week. It maybe you would benefit from both Shout and our structured counselling. If that’s the case, that’s ok, you have access to both as part of our annual Support Line service 

We only use independent BACP accredited counsellors


Feedback from Support Line customers...

I never thought of counselling as something I would benefit from – but I was proved wrong. I found it very empowering.
The service made me feel supported and able to persevere through difficulty.
Without this service I would have needed a lot more time off work.

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